Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"... I have no innocence, though I am no devil... "

 (Late 2007... I look at myself and am amazed at how far I have come. It's crazy what a person can achieve once they surrender and open their heart and soul to healing.)

This is MY Hell.
My whole world...
Once my precious illusion,
My world...
I am cracked.
Blinding warmth pours in,
Scorching my paleness.
I see that face,
Garish grin,
Trying to see inside.
My mask...
Turned to ashes.
No wings
To hide beneathe.
I have no innocence,
Though I am no devil,
No horrid and wretched thing.
Judgement is NOT yours.
I am fallen,
Left behind or cast out?
Still part child...
I bleed,
I cry,
I scream inside...

I fear I still have a soul...

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